Chronological Studies of the Life of Jesus through all four Gospels

Each document is a standalone study but taken together they are a more or less chronological study of the four gospels.  The gospels are the most historical of ancient documents.  Two are written by eye witnesses, a third for another eye witness, and the fourth by a contemporary who interviewed eye witnesses.  The copies of these documents are very close to the time of the original writings, far closer than any other ancient document.  There are very few textual discrepancies in the gospels, far less than any other ancient document.  From a historical perspective, these gospels should be seen as the best of ancient documents.  They are discarded as such only because they relate supernatural events.  One does not need to see them as inspired to recognize their value as history.  They tell the story of Jesus and that is the most important story of all. 

1. Background Word doc PDF doc

2. The Forerunner - John the Baptist Word doc PDF doc

3. Mary and the Angel Word doc PDF doc

4. Joseph’s Story Word doc PDF doc

5. Jesus’ Birth Word doc PDF doc

6. Jesus presented at the Temple Word doc PDF doc

7. The Visit of the Magi Word doc PDF doc

 8. Jesus as a boy Word doc PDF doc

9. Jesus’ Baptism Word doc PDF doc

10. Jesus in the Wilderness Word doc PDF doc

11. The Wedding at Cana Word doc PDF doc

12. The First Cleansing of the Temple Word doc PDF doc

13. Nicodemus Word doc PDF doc

14. Jesus’ Ministry in Judea Word doc PDF doc

15. The woman at the well Word doc PDF doc

16. The nobleman’s son Word doc PDF doc

17. Jesus, rejected at Nazareth Word doc PDF doc

18. The calling of the Disciples Word doc PDF doc

19. Healing of a man possessed by a demon Word doc PDF doc

20. Jesus at Peter’s home Word doc PDF doc

21. Jesus’ first preaching tour of Galilee Word doc PDF doc

22. Early Miracles Word doc PDF doc

23. Sermon on the Mount - Part 1 Word doc PDF doc

24. Sermon on the Mount - Part 2 Word doc PDF doc

25. Sermon on the Mount - Part 3 Word doc PDF doc

26. Sermon on the Mount - Part 4 Word doc PDF doc

27. Three Miracles Word doc PDF doc

28. Jesus and John the Baptist Word doc PDF doc

29. Dinner with Simon, a Pharisee Word doc PDF doc

30. The Parable of the Sower Word doc PDF doc

31. Parables of the Kingdom Word doc PDF doc

32. Calming the Storm; Demons into Pigs Word doc PDF doc

33. Intertwined Miracles: Jairus’ Daughter and the Bleeding Woman Word doc PDF doc

34. Two Miracles; The Lord of the Harvest Word doc PDF doc

35. Jesus sent out his disciples Word doc PDF doc

36. Healing by the pool of Bethesda Word doc PDF doc

37. Jesus Feeds the 5000 Word doc PDF doc

38. Jesus walked on the Water Word doc PDF doc

39. Jesus - The Bread of Life Word doc PDF doc

40. Form or Substance? Word doc PDF doc

41. Gentile Ministry Word doc PDF doc

42. Who is Jesus? Part One Word doc PDF doc

43. The unpardonable sin Word doc PDF doc

44. Jesus Transfigured Word doc PDF doc

45. Who is Jesus? Part Two Word doc PDF doc

46. Jesus on Discipleship Word doc PDF doc

47. A Growing Faith Word doc PDF doc

48. The Parable of the Good Samaritan Word doc PDF doc

49. Confronting Jewish Leaders Word doc PDF doc

50. How Believers are to Live - Part one Word doc PDF doc

51. How Believers are to Live - Part two Word doc PDF doc

52. The Workers in the Vineyard Word doc PDF doc

53. How Believers are to Live - Part three Word doc PDF doc

54. Confronting Jewish Leaders - Part two Word doc PDF doc

55. Jesus the Good Shepherd - Part one Word doc PDF doc

56. Jesus the Good Shepherd - Part two Word doc PDF doc

57. Parables including the Prodigal Son Word doc PDF doc

58. The Road to Jerusalem - Part one Word doc PDF doc

59. The Road to Jerusalem - Part two Word doc PDF doc

60. True Greatness in God’s Kingdom Word doc PDF doc

61. Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus - Changed lives Word doc PDF doc

62. The Parable of the Minas Word doc PDF doc

63. Jesus Raised Lazarus from the Dead Word doc PDF doc

64. Jesus’ Arrival in Jerusalem Word doc PDF doc

65. Triumphal Entry, the Fig Tree, and the Cleansing of the Temple Word doc PDF doc

66. Final Confrontation with the Jewish Leaders Word doc PDF doc

67. Woes or Warnings to the Pharisees Word doc PDF doc

68. The End of the Age - Matthew 24 Word doc PDF doc

69. The End of the Age - Matthew 25 Word Doc PDF doc

70. The Last Supper Word doc PDF doc

71. Final Teachings - part one - John 14 Word doc PDF doc

72. Final Teachings - part two - John 15 Word doc PDF doc

73. Final Teachings - part three - John 16 Word doc PDF doc

74. Jesus’ Prayer for Us - John 17 Word doc PDF doc

75. Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest Word doc PDF doc

76. Human Failure: Peter and Judas Word doc PDF doc

77. Jesus on “Trial” Word doc PDF doc

78. Jesus Crucified and Buried Word doc PDF doc

79. Resurrection Day - The First Easter Word doc PDF doc

80. Jesus’ Post-Resurrection Appearances Word doc PDF doc

81. Jesus’ Final Words and his Ascension Word Doc PDF doc