The Bible - Word doc PDF doc

The Three Most Important Statements of Jesus Word doc PDF doc

Timeline of Jesus’ life PDF doc Word doc

A Guide for us: How Jesus used the Hebrew Scriptures Word doc PDF doc

Jesus Crucified, What Day? Word doc PDF doc

Timeline of the Week Jesus Died Word doc PDF doc

Thoughts on Jesus’ Death Word doc PDF doc

The Miracles of Jesus Word doc PDF doc

The Parables of Jesus Word doc PDF doc

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree? Word doc PDF doc

Jesus’ Resurrection Word doc PDF doc

The Lord of the Harvest Word doc PDF doc

The Ribbon of Salvation Word doc PDF doc

What does it mean to fear the Lord? Word doc PDF doc

What does it mean to Pray in Jesus’ name? Word doc PDF doc

Redeem the time? Word doc PDF doc

Youth in Ministry Word doc PDF doc

A word about worship Word doc PDF doc

Thoughts on Tithing Word doc PDF doc

The Traitor Judas Word doc PDF doc

Chronology of the New Testament Word doc PDF doc

The Apostles’ lives after Jesus Word doc PDF doc

Harmony of the Gospels:  Peter’s Denial Word doc PDF doc

Theological Issue:  The Narrow Door Word doc PDF doc

Theological Issue:  Limited Atonement Word doc PDF doc

Theological Issue: Eternal Security Word doc PDF doc

Theological Issue: The Trinity Word doc PDF doc

Theological Issue: Jesus both Fully God and Fully Man Word doc PDF doc